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ISRO Support

Special Support for the Indian Space Research Organisation
Space Applications Centre

These pages contain the most up-to-date information and software for the hyperspectral radiometer system custom-built by HOBI Labs for ISRO-SAC. As part of our ongoing support for the system, software and documentation updates and other support materials will be posted here whenever appropriate. This information is only visible and accessible to users who have been granted appropriate access by HOBI Labs.

Latest Updates

07/25/11 — New HydroRad calibrations.

09/12/08 — New HydroRad firmware.


11/11/08 — New HydroRad calibrations, new HydroDAS firmware.


18/5/07--New installer for HydroDAS USBLink software.


4/5/07 — HydroDAS Console version 1.22, Downloaded Data section.


complete update history

HR050145 was calibrated, and SLS baseline data recorded, after repairs.

All HydroRads (except HR050145) were calibrated at HOBI Labs and new baseline data recorded with the SLS.

  1. HydroRads were calibrated at HOBI Labs and new baseline data recorded with the SLS.  Updated calibration files and SLS baseline files are archived in the HydroRad Support section.
  2. HydroDAS firmware has been updated.  The updates were installed at HOBI Labs during routine maintenance so no further action is required, but the new firmware is archived in the HydroDAS Support section.
  3. DASHost software was been updated.  This software is not required for routine operation but is archived in the HydroDAS Support section.

This document describes the features that are unique to this custom system.  Version C2 was issued in March 2011.

This page includes software and documentation relating specifically to the HydroDAS controller/logger. This includes some important software and updates that should be installed as soon as the system is set up after delivery.

Add-in for Microsoft Excel that loads, displays and processes data received from the system.  A major upgrade was released in October 2006.

This page includes software and documentation relating specifically to the HydroRad hyperspectral radiometers as used in the ISRO-SAC system. This includes the RadSoft software which can be used to operate the HydroRads independently of the HydroDAS, especially for testing with the SLS. The page also includes the current calibration files for the HydroRads, which are required in order to use them with RadSoft.

This page includes information on the SLS-1 Stable Light Source, used to monitor HydroRad's long-term stability.

Data files, collected by the Radiometer/Logger system.

Copyright © 1998-2019 by Hydro-Optics, Biology, & Instrumentation Laboratories All rights reserved.
All specifications subject to change without notice.