> Research > Publications
A New Hyperspectral Spherical-Cavity Absorption Meter
Dana, D.R. and R.A. Maffione, A new hyperspectral spherical-cavity absorption meter, adapted from a Poster at AGU Ocean Sciences, Honolulu Hawaii, 2006. Describes a-Sphere in-situ spectrophotometer. |
A New Hyperspectral Spherical-Cavity Absorption Meter (Poster)
Poster describing a-Sphere in-situ spectrophotometer, in Corel Draw file format. |
Effects of Microalgal Communities on Reflectance Spectra...
Stephens, F.C., E.M. Louchard, R.P. Reid, and R.A. Maffione, Effects of microalgal communities on reflectance spectra of carbonate sediments in subtidal optically shallow marine environments, Limnol. Oceanogr., 48(1, part 2), 535-546 |
Determining bb with Fixed-Angle Sensors (Paper)
Dana, D.R. and R.A. Maffione, Determining the Backward Scattering Coefficient with Fixed-Angle Backscattering Sensors?Revisited, Ocean Optics XVI, Santa Fe New Mexico, November 18-22 2002 |
Determining bb with Fixed-Angle Sensors (browsable)
Web-browsable version of "Determining the Backward Scattering Coefficient with Fixed-Angle Backscattering Sensors?Revisited |
HydroBeta: A New In-situ VSF Instrument (Extended Abstract)
Dana, D.R. and R.A. Maffione, HydroBeta: A new instrument for measuring in-situ profiles of the volume scattering function from 10 to 170 degrees, Ocean Optics XV, Monaco, 2000 |
HydroBeta: A New In-situ VSF Instrument (Presentation)
Dana, D.R. and Maffione, R.A., HydroBeta: A new instrument for measuring in-situ profiles of the volume scattering function from 10 TO 170 degrees, Ocean Optics XV, Monaco, 2000 (Presentation)
Theoretical Developments on the Optical Properties...
Maffione, R.A., Theoretical developments on the optical properties of highly turbid waters and sea ice, Limnol. & Oceanogr., 43, 29-33 |
Theory and Measurements of the Complete BSF of Sea Ice
Maffione, R.A., J.M. Voss and C.D. Mobley, Theory and measurements of the complete beam spread function of sea ice, Limnol. & Oceanogr., 43(1), 1998, 34-43 |
Instruments and Methods for Measuring bb of Ocean...
Maffione, R.A. and D.R. Dana, Instruments and methods for measuring the backward-scattering coefficient of ocean waters, Appl. Opt. 36, 6057-6067 |
The Average Cosine Due to an Isotropic Light Source in the Ocean
Maffione, R.A. and J.S. Jaffe, The average cosine due to an isotropic light source in the ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 100, C7, 13,179-13,192, 1995 |
More to come!
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