Features shared by all HydroScats
Sampling Schedule
HydroSoft dialog box at right shows the parameters available for scheduled logging. Some additional parameters would appear for instruments equipped with
anti-fouling shutters.
The settings shown will cause the instrument to
- Wake once per hour
- Warm up for 5 seconds
- Collect data for 30 seconds at one sample per second
- Go into low-power sleep for the remainder of the hour
- Continue this cycle until memory is full.
Logging control
Logging can be started and stopped with the built-in
magnetic switch, or by command through the
serial port. Each time it is started, a new cast is registered in the log memory. Every cast, and indeed every sample, is tagged with the date and time as measured by the onboard
real-time clock.
Logged data can be downloaded, at rates up to 57600 baud, one cast at a time or
en masse. HydroSoft provides a simple interface for viewing the
cast directory and selecting any arbitrary set of casts.
Real-time Data:
without logging to memory. This can be done on the same schedule as if it were being logged, or an external controller can request each sample individually, in one of several formats.
Additional Commands:
Although most users will let HydroSoft take care of the details of interfacing, the HydroScat supports a
rich set of commands that control every aspect of its operation. Users with special requirements can take advantage of these commands to adapt the HydroScat to virtually
any situation.