Support for Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV).
HOBI Labs developed this web page exclusively for LOV. This page provides all the software and documentation needed for the suite of instrumentation provided to LOV by HOBI Labs.
Calibration File
A file containing all the calibration data specific to a-Sphere SP110411, in Igor Pro format for use by the processing template.
Console Software
Software for setting up, controlling and collecting data from the a-Sphere, separately from the instrumentation suite, for the Windows operating system.
Data Processing Template
An Igor Pro document used for loading, calibrating and displaying full-spectrum data from the a-Sphere.
User's Manual
Complete operating instructions in PDF format.
Calibration File
A file containing all the calibration data specific to Gamma-4 G4110401, for use by HydroSoft.
User's Manual
Complete operating instructions in PDF format.
HydroSoft software
Software for operating the Gamma-4 separately from the instrumentation suite, on the Windows operating system. HydroSoft also supports the HydroScat-6P.
User's Manual
Complete operating instructions in PDF format.
HydroSoft software
Software for operating the HydroScat-6P separately from the instrumentation suite, on the Windows operating system. HydroSoft also supports the Gamma-4.
Manual Addendum
Configuration and operating procedures specific to the LOV instrumentation suite, in PDF format. Rev B released 10 October 2011.
Script File HydroScript program file that controls the HydroDAS for profiling with the LOV instrument suite.
User's Manual
The standard operating instructions for all HydroDAS models, in PDF format.
HydroDAS Software
A self-installing package that includes configuration files for the HydroDAS custom-configured for LOV, and the programs DASHost and USBLink.
User's Manual
Complete operating instructions in PDF format.
Processing Software
Processing Template contains software functions for rapidly and simply calibrating and displaying all the data from logged data casts in Igor Pro.
Latest Igor Pro Version (opens in a new window)
Post-processing and integration of data from the instrumentation suite is performed with custom routines running in Wavemetrics' data analysis and graphing software Igor Pro. This link opens the Wavemetrics page where Igor Pro updater programs can be downloaded.