> Products> Light Measurement > WALRUS Hyperspectral Radiometer Buoy
WALRUS Hyperspectral Radiometer Buoy
extended spar
for 2-meter
total depth |
Select the set of radiometric quantities, and their positions relative to the water surface, that best suit your research goals
Collector Options
- Collector types: Radiance (L) and Irradiance (E)
- Above or below the water surface
- Upwelling or downwelling
Lower Spar options
- 1-meter total depth, collectors at top and/or bottom
- 2-meter total depth, collectors at top, middle, and/or bottom
Four configurations are shown below. Each has 5 collectors:
- Sky Irradiance in air (Es)
- 1 or 2 upwelling radiance in air (Lu+)
- 1, 2 or 3 upwelling radiance in water (Lu-)
- The first configuration also measures sky radiance (Lds)
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All rights reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice.